Hacker Noon September 13, 2019
Daniel Jeffries

Check out part one of this series for what the next five to fifteen years looks like in AI. In part two we get super sci-fi and see if our crystal ball can reach 50 years into the future.
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”
— Arthur C Clark

Welcome to 2069.

Intelligence infuses every aspect of our daily lives.

Once dumb objects have woken up. Your shirt is babbling away with your shades and having a conversation with your girlfriend’s pearl earrings when she’s traveling to give a talk in Brazil.

Everything from our houses, to weapons, to planes, trains and automobiles, to roads, clothes, jewelry, headphones, glasses, and eye...

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Topics: AI (Artificial Intelligence), Technology
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How AI Is Poised To Drive Digital Transformation For Marketers
Generative AI raises security concerns among IT leaders

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